Funding Opps
NYSERDA PON 2458 - NY-BEST Bench to Prototype Solicitation
PON 2458 seeks proposals to transition new energy storage technologies with proven technical feasibility to a working prototype. Eligible technologies are energy storage technologies that utilize electrical or electrochemical processes and include batteries, ultracapacitors, fuel cells and related components that integrate these technologies into complete systems. A total of $5.4 million is available with up to $250,000 per project. Applicants must be NY-BEST members in order to be considered for funding under this PON. PON 2458 is being revised and will be reissued shortly. PON 2458 was re-issued on July 31 with additional funding and new proposal due dates. The next round of proposals are due on Monday, September 16th.
Energy, Power, and Adaptive Systems
The Energy, Power, and Adaptive Systems (EPAS) program invests in the design and analysis of intelligent and adaptive engineering networks, including sensing, imaging, controls, and computational technologies for a variety of application domains. EPAS places emphasis on electric power networks and grids, including generation, transmission and integration of renewable, sustainable and distributed energy systems; high power electronics and drives; and understanding of associated regulatory and economic structures. Topics of interest include alternate energy sources, the Smart Grid, and interdependencies of critical infrastructure in power and communications. Closing date for applications is November 01, 2013.
NSF Energy for Sustainability Grant
Topics of interest include microbial fuel cells and advanced batteries for transportation. Average award is $100,000. Proposal window is open through 1/20/2014.
PON 2715 Electric Power Transmission and Distribution (EPTD) Smart Grid Program
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) announces the availability of up to $10 million in funds to support research and engineering studies, product development and demonstration projects that improve the reliability, efficiency, quality, and overall performance of the electric power delivery system in New York State. Proposals must demonstrate significant statewide public benefit and quantify all energy, environmental and economic impacts. The primary objective of the program is to promote the development of a smart grid that accommodates a diverse supply of generation resources, enhances overall grid performance and enables customers to reduce costs, energy consumption, and environmental impacts. Proposals are due 8/14/13.
Full-Spectrum Optimized Conversion and Utilization of Sunlight (FOCUS)
ARPA-E announced today that it has made $30 million available to fund a new program entitled Full-Spectrum Optimized Conversion and Utilization of Sunlight (FOCUS), which is aimed at advancing solar energy beyond current photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP) technologies to ensure solar power remains a consistent, cost-effective renewable energy option. FOCUS seeks to develop two distinct technology options to deliver low-cost, high-efficiency solar energy on demand, specifically: (1) new hybrid solar energy converters and (2) new hybrid energy storage systems. The first approach will develop advanced solar converters that turn sunlight into electricity for immediate use, while also producing heat that can be stored at low cost for later use. These hybrid converters will use the entire solar spectrum more efficiently than PV or CSP technologies. The second approach will develop innovative storage systems that accept heat and electricity from variable solar sources to deliver electricity when needed.
Innovators Ink is a content and business development firm providing women working in cleantech with the key resources they need to advance their initiatives and implement their company’s vision.
Innovators Ink will help you develop a strategy to build business alliances and connect to strategic partners, create content for your website, marketing and trade show materials, reach the media, and identify and secure speaking opportunities.
We believe women's ideas, perspectives and voices are critical to move to a sustainable and clean energy future faster, and we are dedicated to strengthening their participation in the global energy discussion.