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From time to time we'll update this section with links to articles and reports covering the start-up world in general, and cleantech and green tech specifically. Feel free to email us with suggestions, too!
A good site for articles on the trials and tribulations of being a start-up CEO under the age of 30.
A wealth of information on all things entrepreneurship—from the economic impact of start-ups to policy promoting their growth, and everything in between.
SBIR phase I and phase II grants can make all the difference for start-ups.This site will answer your questions and provide contact information.
The United States of Innovation
Fast Company ranks the states (and a District) by start-up and innovation activity; some surprises. West Virginia really doesn’t have to be last if we retool coal workers for the cleantech economy.
How to Break Out of the 'Female Entrepreneur' Trap
The deck asks and answers it all: "Want to succeed as a female founder? Quit talking about being female founder." Yes, I know, there is more to it.
Let's Scout Entrepreneurs the Way we Scout NFL Players
An interesting proposal for capturing more of the entrepreneurial ideas and talent on our college campuses.
Red, White and Green: The True Colors of America's Clean Tech Job
Where do renewables have traction? Do blue states really lead red states? DBL Investors answers these and more in their fall 2012 report.
Clean Edge, Inc.
The past, present and future of investment in the cleantech industry in one spot.
Women's Council on Energy and the Environment
A great DC-based network for women in cleantech.
Quality Employment for Women in the Green Economy: Industry, Occupation, and State-by-State Job Estimates
Will women finally close the, “Why are we still dealing with this,” pay gap, in the green economy?
Innovators Ink is a content and business development firm providing women working in cleantech with the key resources they need to advance their initiatives and implement their company’s vision.
Innovators Ink will help you develop a strategy to build business alliances and connect to strategic partners, create content for your website, marketing and trade show materials, reach the media, and identify and secure speaking opportunities.
We believe women's ideas, perspectives and voices are critical to move to a sustainable and clean energy future faster, and we are dedicated to strengthening their participation in the global energy discussion.
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