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ii Recent Successes​
Secured opportunity for start-up in stealth mode to write inaugural article on energy storage for international publication which provided a "soft" way to drive investor interest in the company.
Raised the local and national visibility of a business school's entrepreneurship center and generated growth of 150 percent in program membership.
Introduced a leading cleantech journalist to an energy start-up that led to an article in a top technology outlet and generated numerous inquiries in the first two weeks after publication for the company's technology.
Created an integrated communications and branding strategy for a statewide grassroots initiative focused on advancing STEM education.
Established a strategic connection between a new Angel fund with a statewide business council and its membership of 9,000 business leaders.
Connected an energy efficiency start-up with a local school district for a large-scare pilot project in partnership with a Fortune 500 company.
Innovators Ink is a content and business development firm providing women working in cleantech with the key resources they need to advance their initiatives and implement their company’s vision.
Innovators Ink will help you develop a strategy to build business alliances and connect to strategic partners, create content for your website, marketing and trade show materials, reach the media, and identify and secure speaking opportunities.
We believe women's ideas, perspectives and voices are critical to move to a sustainable and clean energy future faster, and we are dedicated to strengthening their participation in the global energy discussion.

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